
School Fees Tax Planning have regular contact with bursars up & down the country. We are keen to help bursars in their roles and find that our services can help.

A significant proportion of parents can benefit from school fees tax planning. This usually has the effect of ensuring parents are more likely to pay on time & increasing the number of parents who can afford to send their children to public school.

School Fees Tax Planning are keen to discuss our services with bursars &

If you would like to learn more or if you would like an invite to our Annual Bursars Dinner, please please get in touch & we would be delighted to talk to you.

The Service

Our specialist School Fees Tax Planning service is a non-aggressive tax saving solution that enables those sending their children to private schools to dramatically reduce fees.

The service enables parents to make the most of their children’s personal tax allowance by putting income into their names.

The School Fees Tax Planning service will reduce the tax parents are paying significantly to enable more of the money they earn to go towards their children’s education.

“The service paid for itself in year one”
Mr P, Rockingham

What Makes us Different?

There are a number of things that make us different and ensure that we have a unique offering for school fees tax planning. These are:

  • We don’t just focus on school fees tax planning – as experienced accountants and tax consultants, we are able to look at the bigger picture of your life, business affairs and family and to find a number of ways to minimise your tax across the board
  • We don’t offer an investment solution – most of the school fees payment solutions on the market are simply investments that enable parents to save for fees. They do not help to make you more tax efficient
  • Our school fees tax planning is non-aggressive – there are a number of ways of minimising tax, from undertaking non-aggressive ways of maximising the tax allowances that everyone gets, to moving funds offshore. Our school fees tax planning service is non-aggressive and there is no stigma or negative association attached to it
“We didn’t want to do anything aggressive with our tax situation. This service fit the bill & meant that we didn’t have the same anxiety levels every time the school fees bill came through the letterbox”
Mr & Mrs A, Stow

Common Customer Objectives

Our customers have a consistent set of objectives on taking this approach including:

  • Wanting to give their children the best in life – many parents work exceptionally hard to provide for their children and take this duty very seriously. We want to help to make this as easy as possible for parents to give their children the best in life and to help parents to spend time with their children rather than just to work to pay school fees
  • Maintaining the standards of their children’s education – children are at school for 14 years and this can be a long commitment when it comes to school fees. There are pressures on parents for maintaining their children’s standards of education for this length of time
  • Planning ahead – many parents realise that, by planning ahead, they can save significant tax and that this can help them to afford a premium school for their children
  • Not wanting to spend more than they should – many of our clients find that they are not planning for tax as efficiently as they should and are thus paying thousands or tens of thousands more in tax each year than they should. Being aware of this means parents are better able to put their hard-earned money into their family, into school fees and into the trips, clothing and other expenses that come along with sending their children to private school

Grandparents Case Study

How a conversation with our trust expert has enabled two grandparents to help towards the education of their grandchildren, saving £15,000 per annum

Learn more

The Value

There is a significant amount of value in this service and not all of it is financial. The value that we can offer you is:

  • Making the job of collecting money simpler – money that is in trust for children cannot be otherwise spent & so should be more readily available
  • Widening the market for your school
  • Making it more cost-effective for a second or third child to enter the school
  • Enabling parents to spend more on the school’s services
  • Enabling better relationships between parents & children – paying for school fees can be extremely stressful for parents, many of whom will work long hours out of necessity. It is a shame that parents who want the best for their children often have to sacrifice the time they spend with them in order to get it
  • Reducing aged debt & better parent relationships – issues of debt can sour relationships between schools & parents & can have a negative impact on the children at the school. By reducing the burden on parents, our experience is that these issues become less regular