New Look for 2018

After feedback form customers, Integrated Tax Solutions have launched a new website, solely focused on school fees tax planning.

Tax & tax planning can be a complicated business. Worthwhile, but complicated. In order to make things simple, we have created a dedicated website just to focus on school fees tax planning. Rather than bamboozling potential customers with all of our tax planning services & ideas, we have decided to create a simple message: if you’re sending your children to private school & you or your parents own a limited company, let’s talk!


Although most business-owners could do with a good old chat about tax & we are often able to help in many other ways (by offering help with inheritance tax & capital gains tax, for example), we would prefer to make it easy for customers to solve one problem before making things too complex.

During a client’s conversations with us, we’ll adopt an holisitc approach & aim to ensure that their tax affairs make sense but we don’t want to upset the apple-cart or disrupt any relationships our clients have with their existing accountants. To this end, the work that we do as School Fees Tax Planning can be a simple, standalone service & we’ve setup the website to reflect this.

We look forward to hearing what you think.